Green Chille
JoinedTopics Started by Green Chille
My mom replies concerning UN/ JWs. Need your help.
by *jeremiah* inin short, my mom's a die hard jw.
my brother was never baptised and, although he doesn't believe or go to the kh anymore, my mom still has a relationship with him.
thus he decided to email the following to our mom and her reply is below.. what i want to know is,...what would be an excellent reply for my brother to use in response to her comment?
History channel Show Paradise lost
by seek2find ini saw similarities between the peoples temple and life as a witness.
one was when the siren would go off and the announcement would be for everyone to gather at the pavillion.
that was kind of like when we are suppose to have a special announcement.
Castro - If he dies - then what?
by AK - Jeff in
castro reportedly in 'grave' condition.
by mar roman, associated press writer1 hour, 5 minutes ago .
What concerns the Watchtower most these days?
by JH inis it the lack of young leadership?.
by LovesDubs injust what they needed to hear eh?
doom and more doom and gloom!!
praise jah!scientists to move doomsday clock forwardreuterswashington (jan. 12) - the keepers of the "doomsday clock" plan to move its hands forward next wednesday to reflect what they call worsening nuclear and climate threats to the world.
If it really is the end, WHERE ARE THEY?
by Do Not Call inif it's true that the end is so close (matt.
24 fulfilled etc.
), then why aren't elders, jw family members and friends .
Hi newbie saying hello
by nikitaeve inhi there, i'm nikitaeve and id just like to say hi to everyone here.
i used to be a witness and was one for about nine years but i still regard everyone with the warmest of feelings and i still believe the teachings.
a little bit about myself; im from england.
That's it, we've had ENOUGH and we are MOVING!
by Schism ini know this question has been asked before, but i can't find the old post about this.
i am looking for another area of the us to move to.
edit: please be aware, i am ranting right now, but nothing here is exaggerated.
The Fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 - What Does It Mean For You?
by Nosferatu inlol!
i can't wait for that wt magazine to come out.
yeah, i know, another thread on matt 24:14.. but it's not about the prophecy, it's about how it's going to affect us if this is going to be a worldwide blast of new light.
Here we go again . . . The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
by cruzanheart ini got an email with an audio attachment (haven't listened to it) that's being passed around the witness community.
here's the written part of it anyway:.
i just wanted to let you know about an important piece of information i heard first hand, this morning (actually on a recording of a bethel representative giving a talk at the 2007 special day assembly in houston, tx).